सामुदायिक अन्तरक्रिया कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न

सामुदायिक अन्तरक्रिया कार्यक्रम प्रभावकारी रुपमा सम्पन्न भएको छ। विभिन्न संघसंस्थाका प्रतिनिधिहरु लगायत सामुदायिक व्यक्तित्वहरुको उल्लासपूर्ण सहभागितामा कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न भयो। विशेष गरी साइबर सेक्युरिटी सम्बन्धि विषय छलफलका लागि आयोजना गरिएको कार्यक्रम सबैको अन्तरक्रियात्मक सहभागिताले बहुआयामिक बन्न पुग्यो।
कार्यक्रम शनिबार, १८ तारिखका दिन सम्पन्न भएको हो। कार्यक्रमको संचालन संस्थाका सचिव उज्ज्वल अधिकारीले गर्नुभएको थियो।
NAV Community Consultation Session – Key Outcomes & Appreciation
Today’s Consultation Session was a highly productive gathering where community leaders, advisors, and stakeholders engaged in discussions on the future direction, governance, education, sports expansion, and community collaboration for the Nepalese community in Victoria.
A major focus of the session was the expansion of sports initiatives, with participants suggesting the inclusion of volleyball, badminton, and table tennis alongside the already established cricket, soccer, golf, and touch footy. There was also a recommendation to support the Oceania Sports Meet from two members, ensuring broader community participation and representation in multicultural sports.
Discussions also addressed the sustainability of Bal Chautari and community education initiatives, with an estimated $25,000 required per school. Key areas of improvement highlighted included structured teacher training, volunteer support, regular auditing, and enhanced collaboration with education providers.
The importance of NAV’s role as a leading organisation in the Nepalese community was emphasised, which can be made by increasing the participation of a member from various community based organisations in different parts of Victoria in the executive team or committees. The newly established Policies, Procedures & Strategies Task Force, coordinated by Jog Limbu, will play a pivotal role in shaping NAV’s long-term strategic roadmap, formalising policies, with a call for stronger governance, policies, and organisational development and ensuring the continuity of institutional memory.
Furthermore, the discussion covered mental health, digital literacy, and cybersecurity awareness, highlighting the need for community-focused training to address increasing digital threats and improve online safety. Participants also suggested NAV strengthen partnerships with NRNA, multicultural organisations, and local government bodies to advocate for funding, collaboration, and leadership development opportunities.

We extend our sincere appreciation to all esteemed guests, past presidents, advisors, and community leaders who contributed their insights and expertise.
A heartfelt thank you to Honorary Consul of Nepal to Victoria, Nirajan Gauli, NAV past presidents Bom Yonzon, Dr. Anupam Pokharel, and Tara Gaire, Senior Community Leader and Coordinator of the Policies, Procedures & Strategies Task Force, Jog Limbu, and NAV advisors Lok Raj Paudel, Manoj Dhungana, Raj Sharma, and Tej Karki for their active participation and support. Special thanks to NAV founding president Dr. Raju Adhikari, past president Dr. Deepak Raj Pant, FeNCAA spokesperson Bhola Giri, and NRNA Australia former president and NAV Life Member Keshav Kandel, who joined the session online and shared their valuable perspectives.
Additionally, we sincerely appreciate the contributions of community leaders and NAV Executive Committee members, including:
Samu Uprety – DMNC Treasurer and Vice president of Nei Acedemy Australia
Krishna Chalise – Principal, NAV Bal Chautari
Manoj Dhungana – President, DMNC
Prakash Chalise – Safety Officer, NAV Bal Chautari North Campus
Madan Subedi – DMNC/NRNA Representative
Nabin Pradhan – DMNC Representative
Krishna Sapkota – EWNC President
Bhaskar Regmi – Secretary, NASEM & Coordinator, NAV Bal Chautari South East Campus
Vishma Pathak – Coordinator, NAV Bal Chautari South East Campus
Tilak Pokharel – ANMC Secretary
Gandhi Bhattarai – ANMC President
Shaileh Ghimire – MelbourneNepal Inc.
Tara Gaire – Past President, NAV
Prakash Aryal – President, Hamro Community
Dinesh Banjara – Jan Samparka Samiti Victoria
Ranjan Shrivastav – Founder, Nepalese Madheshi Community in Victoria
Bom Yonzon – President, FeNCAA & Past President, NAV
Dr. Anupam Pokharel – Past President, NAV
Mahadev Dhanuk – NRNA VIC Deputy Coordinator
Sasendra Gautam KC – NRNA VIC Secretary
Your presence, engagement, and valuable insights will help shape the future of NAV and ensure its continued impact on the Nepalese and broader multicultural communities in Victoria.